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The ASVAB is a nationally given, multi-aptitude test battery designed to encourage students to increase their level of self-knowledge and to understand how that information could be linked to occupational characteristics.  The ASVAB Program was recently re-designed to be helpful to virtually all students, whether they are planning on immediate employment after high school in civilian or military occupations, or further education at a university, community college or vocational institution.  For more information about the ASVAB, please go to . 

For FREE ASVAB Practice Tests click

For FREE ASVAB Flashcards, click

For FREE ASVAB Study Guide, go to OR

The next ASVAB will be given on November 9, 2021.  If you are in 10th, 11th or 12th grade and are intersted in taking the ASVAB, see Ms. Plott in Guidance to sign up.